Business legal excellence
Creative - Flexible - Proactive
Trusted legal expertise
Jurisprudentia’s mission is to achieve excellence as your trusted business legal advisor. In order to do so, Jurisprudentia is committed to the highest professional standards and expertise.
As in business only concrete facts are relevant, Jurisprudentia is simply committed to deliver facts to render high quality legal solutions, solving your problems and creating added-value to your business.

Jurisprudentia does business law. We are committed to assist you in every legal aspect of international transactions and litigation, with a particular focus on contracts, arbitration as well as other international aspects of business.
Jurisprudentia assists particularly regarding to contracts, commercial law, international transactions, company law, tort and liability issues, M&A, litigation and arbitration, intellectual property law, labor law and other advisory services. We also deal with criminal law, with reference to economic and white collar crimes.
We simply believe in what we do and we love our job.
Jurisprudentia is enthusiastically proud to safeguard its clients’ legitimate interests in business transactions. Success is objectively proved by client satisfaction.
The success of Jurisprudentia is also based upon a consolidated experience in business law as well as a deep analytical approach and legal research accompanied by a strong business drive, ensuring a timely and efficient handling of the assignments to obtain the right solution.
Thanks to its approach, Jurisprudentia is the trusted legal advisor of some foreign states, major private companies and public organizations as well as the Legal assistance provider to the Italian embassy in Finland.
Contact us
+358 40 5783647