Established in year 2007, Jurisprudentia is a limited liability company incorporated and existing under the laws of Finland. Jurisprudentia is a licensed law firm, being member of the Finnish Bar Association.
Membership of the Finnish Bar Association underlines the high standards of quality, integrity and professionalism of Jurisprudentia to the advantage of the client.
Namely, Bar membership means that Jurisprudentia, as well as its attorneys, is committed to observe the law in every action as well as to comply with the code of conduct for attorneys and any other guidance issued by the Finnish Bar Association or other competent Bar Association. For information on Bar regulations and other matters concerning the practice of law in Finland, please visit the Finnish Bar Association website at
Jurisprudentia’s mission is to achieve excellence as your trusted business legal advisor. In order to do so, Jurisprudentia is committed to the highest professional standards and expertise.
As in business only concrete facts are relevant, Jurisprudentia is simply committed to deliver facts to render high quality legal solutions, solving your problems and creating added-value to your business.
The most important values for Jurisprudentia are the high quality of professional expertise, ethical conduct and absolute confidentiality between client and contractor.
Since 2007, Jurisprudentia provides the highest level of tailored legal services to safeguard and enhance your interests in business transactions.
Great emphasis is set on quality of expertise, professional care, high ethical standards and integrity, strong relationship of trust and absolute confidentiality.
Jurisprudentia speaks your business language. The approach is creative, flexible, proactive and business friendly to provide a proper client-tailored solution.